Wake the Soul Up.

Evolve Ego.

Master Emotion.

Resonate Authentic Frequency.

Ascend Consciousness.

Create the New Earth.


Wake The Soul Up.



WAKE THE SOUL UP is a book about the human journey and evolution through consciousness. This book is a channelled and unique interpretation of what the modern spiritual healing journey of awakening is for us today as a human being on earth.  I discuss and define what we experience in the ascension journey, what we need to understand about the body, mind, emotions, soul and energy, and what we need to do to become aware of these elements of self so we can heal and evolve to create a heightened existence.

I break down the first five dimensions of consciousness 1D - Unity Consciousness, 2D - Duality, 3D - The Holy Trinity, 4D - The Four Pillars, and 5D - The Five Statements, based on the premise and teachings of Matis De Stefano.

For the premise of my theory on the evolution of human consciousness, I channelled an in-depth definition and interpretation of the forms of human consciousness body, emotion, heart, ego and soul. Explaining what these are and how they work independently and collaboratively with each other and the five dimensions to support us in our health, existence and ability to evolve and transcend limitations to create a fulfilling and purposeful existence. Through this book, you can expand your understanding of self, mind, behaviour and life, and gather resources and tools to support you in reaching your highest potential.

Because my journey through life, healing, education, and professional development has focused on mental and emotional mastery, I write from a psycho-emotional perspective to support you to expand self-awareness while giving different paradigms and potentials to help shift the mind out of linear 3D egoic patterning into a multidimensional spiritual understanding.

In spiritual understanding, we begin to see the forest from the trees and the trees from the forest. Breaking free from the illusive egoic mind to ascend into the soul’s bird’s eye vision and heightened state of awareness. In ego, we see the trees; through the soul, we see the bird’s eye view of the forest, the land, rivers and oceans, getting the bigger picture of ourselves and human life.

Our destiny is not to survive but thrive. Evolving the ego out of limitation to become empowered through the soul’s higher vision and understanding so we can optimise our highest potential and thrive in our life.

My intention in writing this book was to answer my own questions, and the purpose is to inspire and empower others to search for answers and find a deeper understanding of themselves and their life. Through the channelled information of this book, I hope we can empower ourselves to ascend out of the lower state of egoic limited perspectives into the higher consciousness of the soul’s vision of possibilities and learn the art of self-awareness and self-mastery to evolve into our authentic selves and optimise higher potential in both our individual lives and shared reality.

May this book empower you to expand your self-awareness and consciousness, to reach your true potential and express yourself and life through your authentic truth so you can live a fulfilling life where you are free to evolve and thrive.

The human journey is to understand and master the self to move into higher states of authentic truth where you WAKE THE SOUL UP to no longer just survive but thrive in your human existence and experience a profound shift that is your evolution. As we each begin to experience our unique evolution, we the collective, will evolve to birth the new consciousness and way of human life that is the New Earth.